Data Loggers Recorders Plotters : Amprobe DM-II PRO

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Amprobe DM-II PRO
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Specs relating to Amprobe DM-II PRO Digital Power Quality Recorder Data Logger
Input Channels 3 voltage, 4 current
Instrument Type Portable
Interfaces RS-232, Screen, PC software, Chart recorder
Operation Modes recorder, data logger
Measurements AC voltage, AC current, power (P, VA, Q, tPF), energy (KWH, KW), peak demand

AC Voltage: 0 - 600V +/-(1.0% Rdg + 3 LSD)
AC Current: 1 - 1000A (expandable to 3000A with optional CT’s) +/-(1.0% Rdg + 3 LSD)
Power: Working (W), Reactive (VAR) and Apparent (VA)
Power Factor: 0 - 1
Energy: kWh
Peak Demand: kW
Fundamental Frequencies: 50/60Hz
Available Recording Time: 1 hour to several months depending on setup

  • Fabricantes: Amprobe
  • Modelo: DM-II PRO
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