General Meters : Bruel And Kjaer 2511

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Bruel And Kjaer 2511
Bild vergrößernBruel And Kjaer 2511

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Recommended Transducer :
Bruel & Kjaer 4370 piezoelectric accelerometer with a nominal sensitivity of 10 pC/ms-2 ~ 100 pC/g

Measurement Ranges : - with 4370 accelerometer.

Acceleration 0.3 Hz 0.002 - 100 ms-2  0.0002 - 10 g
Velocity 3 Hz 0.02 - 1000 mm/s 0.001 - 100 in/s
Displacement 10 Hz 0.0003 - 10 mm 0.00002 - 1 inch

The above figures are for wide band measurements.
The minimum levels are RMS and are 6 dB (2 x) above the wide band instrument RMS noise level.
If the next lower low frequency setting is selected, then the minimum limit for velocity measurements is a factor of 3 to 4 higher.
The next lower low frequency for displacement settings will increase the minimum limit by 10 times.

Accuracy : including accelerometer is ± 5 % absolute overall within linear ranges.

Filters :
High Pass Filter : 3-pole Butterworth, fall off 18 dB/octave
Low Pass Filter : 2-pole Butterworth, fall off 12 dB/octave

Detector : Quasi RMS : - True reading indicated for sinusoidal signals with crest factor < 3
Time Constants : 1 s and 10 s switchable
Time Constants in Max Hold : 1 s
Max Hold drift : < 10 % per 5 minutes with FSD

Detector : True Peak-to-Peak :
Time Constants : 1 s and 10 s switchable
Max Hold drift : < 10 % per 30 minutes with FSD
Rise Time : > 25 s : 15 kHz LP filter

Dynamic Range : for both detectors is 40 dB

External Filter Sockets : 2 x BNC
Signal level : 1 V PEAK or RMS
Input Socket Impedance : 16 kΩ

Recorder Outputs :
Output Impedance : 1 kΩ
AC : 2.7 V RMS for FSD. Overload 6.8 V peak
DC Log : 2 V for FSD, 0.05 V/dB. Overload 2.25 V
DC Lin : 3 V for FSD. Overload 4.5 V

Meter Calibration :
Internal Oscillator : 80 Hz

Internal Power Supply :
Battery : 4 x 1.5 V - D cells, IEC type R20
Battery Life : 15 hours with Alkaline batteries

Environmental :
Temperature Range : -10 C to +50 C
Humidity Range : 0 to 95 %RH, non condensing
Electromagnetic : fields up to 100 A/m increases noise floor < 14dB

  • Fabricantes: Bruel And Kjaer
  • Modelo: 2511
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