Fusion Splicers Fiber Optic Equipment : Sumitomo TYPE-35SE-RC

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Sumitomo TYPE-35SE-RC
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T-35SE Fusion splicer for polarization maintaining fiber

The Sumitomo Type-35SE gives back precious minutes on every splice. Its new high-speed heater shrinks sleeves in 90 seconds, and the splice cycle is short.

  • Capable of splicing polarization maintaining fibers.
  • As HDCM is installed and automatically aligns and splices fibers, it is possible to obtain high quality fibers as well as stable splicing regardless of operatorfs skill.
  • Aligns polarization axis within 2 minutes.
  • Rotating angle indicator.
  • Automatic correction of arc output/point with automatic arc test.
  • Altering cleave length for 3 mm enables high strength splicing.
  • Fabricantes: Sumitomo
  • Modelo: TYPE-35SE-RC
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