Wireless device testing
Perfect for 802.11a, b, g
Bluetooth, RFID, 3G testing
Wide variety of I/O options
Super isolation up to 18GHz
Stock models to fit your custom applications
If you're looking for the ultimate test enclosure system for your dense pack test environment, the STE2902 is your answer! Designed for space saving 19" rack mounting, the STE2902 contains TWO STE2900 WLAN test enclosures in one single 7 rack unit (12.25" high) package! The integrated custom rack shelf provides mounting and support for use in your standard 19" racks. Front loading doors swing away to the left for easy installation and access to your DUT. Also available in a shock mounted road case for easy travel and setup.
- Fabricantes: Ramsey
- Modelo: STE2902