ASI-200-X Series of Plug-in Adapter Interfaces for the ASI-2000The ASI Test System is a computer aided, modular system capable of testing a large variety of avionics equipment.
Equipment tested includes the Collins Pro Line Series, King Gold Crown series, and ARINC standard avionics units.
The heart of the ASI Test System is the ASI-2000 Mainframe which provides power, test points and computer interface.
The ASI-2000 will interface to an Apple IIe or a PC (AT compatible or above computer. Use of the PC requires an ASI-401
interface panel. Computer cards required for testing are listed below:
ASI-200-1= Collins CTL-22,23,32,62,92
ASI-200-2A= Collins VIR-30,31,32
ASI-200-2B= Collins VIR-30,31,32
ASI-200-2C= Collins VIR-30,31,32
ASI-200-2D= Collins VIR-30,31,32
ASI-200-3= Collins VHF-20,21,22
ASI-200-4= Collins CAD-31,62
ASI-200-5= Collins DME-40, 40A, 42
ASI-200-5A-1= DME-Simulator Card
ASI-200-6= Collins CTL-230
ASI-200-7= King KFS
ASI-200-10= Collins ADF-60,60A,60B,462
ASI-200-11= Collins VHF-422
ASI-200-12= Collins VIR-432
ASI-200-13= Collins DME-442
ASI-200-14= Collins TDR-90, CAD-87G
ASI-200-15= Collins DDA-42
ASI-200-16= King KDM-706A
ASI-200-17A= Collins RTU-870A,RTU-870T
ASI-200-18= Collins CAD-870, RAC-870
ASI-200-19= Collins BIA-32
ASI-200-20= Collins ALT-50A, 55B, 860F-2
ASI-200-21= Collins CTL-20,21,30,31,60,61,90,91
ASI-200-22= Collins BRG-40
ASI-200-23= ARINC Glide Slope
ASI-200-25= ARINC Transponder
ASI-200-26= ARINC Marker Beacon
ASI-200-27= Collins CTL-92T (PC Computer only)
ASI-200-28= ASI-2000 / Proline II Card
Contact us today for quality new and used avionics equipment. If you are upgrading to newer technology we can help.
- Fabricantes: Avionics Specialist Inc
- Modelo: ASI-200-x Series