General Filters : Krohn Hite 3800

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Bild vergrößernKROHN HITE 3800

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The 3800 Tracking Filter is a very narrow-band tracking filter with the unique ability to track without a reference signal. It can lock on and track an input signal buried 10 dB below the noise level. It has been designed with an AGC system to provide maximum output voltage, regardless of input level within its 70 dB dynamic range, and fixed gain up to 30 dB, depending on the GAIN mode selected. The frequency range is from 1Hz to 100kHz. Extremely high Q factors of up to 100,000,000 can be obtained with this narrow-band filter. Bandwidths as narrow as 0.001Hz with a center frequency of 100kHz are easily selected.
  • Fabricantes: Krohn Hite
  • Modelo: 3800
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