General Equipment Other Types of Equipment : Ando AQ8203

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Half-size Optical Test System Mainframe

The AQ8203 Halfsize Frame is for specification evaluation of WDM-related devices such as MUX/DEMUX, AWG and EDFA.

Lineup of modules, such as light sources including WDM DFB-LD, optical attenuators and optical power meters, are ready to realize various applications. They are used in the AQ8201 Optical Test and Measurement System, providing total support of functions from research and development to manufacturing.

For example, installation cost efficiency can be improved using the small, light, versatile AQ8203 Halfsize Frame (three modules can be mounted) for research/development and maintenance, and the AQ8201 Optical Test and Measurement System (ten modules can be mounted) for production.
  • Fabricantes: Ando
  • Modelo: AQ8203
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