The Ellistar ESPG-1 meets a fundamental requirement
for research and design agencies of all scope and size. This is a compact device
which can be plugged into development board systems through standard electrical
interfaces and left indefinitely. Researchers need never worry about their
favorite signal generator being reset, reconfigured, damaged, or commandeered
outright by higher priority projects. The ESPG-1 features capabilities that
belie its small size and cost. Researchers, designers and engineers are invited
to make use of this first "connect and forget" baseband signal generator/digital
processor now available through Test Equipment Connection.
Ellistar ESPG-1 Features:
Compact, measures 2.5” by 5”
3 SMA baseband I/O connectors
20 additional header pin outputs
Clock Speeds up to 200 MHz
4 clock sources - 2 on board (100 and 143 MHz), 1
SMA input, and 1 drop-in (SOIC)
JTAG programming interface
RS 232 Control Interface, DB-9 connector
Manual Pulse Width control
Manual Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) control
Capable of pulses as short as 2.5 nS, and output frequencies as
high as 200 MHz. Can be loaded with three pre-selected pulse width outputs and
three selected pulse repetition frequency outputs, or controlled across a serial
digital PC interface.
summary, The Ellistar ESPG-1 Baseband Pulse Generator has the performance
capability of many lab grade function generators, at a fraction of the size and
cost. It is a valuable test and development tool for universities and other
research agencies.