Power Meters : Rohde Schwarz NAP

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Bild vergrößernROHDE SCHWARZ NAP

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Power Meter

* Displaying incident and reflected power directly from an integral directional coupler
* Derived measurements may also be displayed, including VSWR, reflection coefficient in % return loss in dB, the ratio of reflected to incident power, and modulation depth in %


Power Sensor - NAP-Z4: 50 ohm, 50 mW - 110 W, 25 MHz - 1 GHz

Display Modes

* Dual display of incident and reflected power in W or dBm
* Reflection coeff. in %
* Return loss in dB
* Reflected/incident ratio in %
* Mod. depth in % (30 Hz - 20 kHz)

Power Supply

* Internal battery
* Optional IEEE-488, included with ac power option, 100/120/220/240 V 10%, 47 - 63 Hz
  • Fabricantes: Rohde Schwarz
  • Modelo: NAP
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