Frequency Analyzers : Solartron 1250

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Solartron 1250
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Frequency Response Analyzer

The 1250 series of Frequency Response Analyzers (FRA) provide a range of accurate solutions for the measurement of gain and phase.

The device under test is stimulated by a sinewave and the response analyzed at one, two or more points in the system. These responses are then correlated with the stimulus to determine the amplitude and phase relative to the generator. The ratio of the two measured signals can then be used to provide the system transfer function.

This process rejects all harmonics and, by increasing the integration time, even signals which are buried in noise can be measured accurately.

The 300V range on the 1250 series is particularly useful for making measurements on fuel cell stacks and high voltage batteries, used in hybrid vehicles and residential power supplies.
  • Fabricantes: Solartron
  • Modelo: 1250
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